Thursday, May 14, 2009


I'm a member of LitMag (our school's literary magazine). Not just a member, but the student editor! Ooohh, ahhh...although I don't really do anything more than I have for the past 3 years as a member. However, I did get to make some awesome posters advertising the best school club ever! That being LitMag, in case it wasn't clear. Anyway, we put these crazy posters around the building and nobody seems to notice, although I did hear one girl say "That squirrel spider thing was weird, who would make that?" It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

A couple days later, one of my teachers pulls me aside after class and asks me if everything is okay. I ask why, and they say that they saw my posters and thought I might be under some sort of emotional distress. What?!? They're not like cries for help or anything, they're just weird posters I made to get attention! I ended up seeing my school counselor about it. Again. I end up seeing her a lot for random reasons.

So, there wasn't really a point to this post, I was just bored. The end!

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