Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Creature ConGraduations

My original plan for this blog was to post something every day, just as a break from real life. However, I haven't posted in a couple days because my sister graduated on Saturday (hurray!) and I was doing chores all Sunday (ugh), so I figured I'd drop a message down while I'm on a school computer "doing work". My graduation is coming up soon too...its oddly depressing. Oh well.

...well, I can't really think of any interesting stories to tell right now. I'm a little overwhelmed from the weekend's happenings and exhausted from reading all night. Right now I'm on John Saul: Creature. Its pretty cool so far. I really relate to Mark Tanner, a nature-loving kid who is pretty much shunned because he doesn't like sports. Saul's style is good too, and keeps the reader's attention with the action and changing point of view. I can't really draw a solid conclusion on it, having only read 88 pages out of 377, but so far I would suggest this read.

I never really liked football...

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