Friday, June 5, 2009

Silhouette of a Draining Heart


Colors pour from my eyes
The sky’s silent, empty tears
Cannot wash away the stains I’ve made
The darkening rainbow of blood splashed across the sky
Runs down the fading brick walls
Pools in the cracked dog dish
Dries into the crimson velvet of your room
A solitary plume is left floating in the ice-cold water
Resting motionless in the gushing rapids
Soak in the flowing colors
Return them to my fingertips
I need them
Colors pour into your eyes
Bleeding through the canvas
Filling the rifts of your mind
Your blood flows like oil.
Black sludge in your veins.
Is it colorless
Or all colors melded together?
The whites of your eyes are gone
Flown to the sun to burn away all trace
The light is fading
The rainbow is dripping away
Filling in the hollowed night
The colors bleed
Colors always bleed


The colors of our eyes mix
Running down our faces
Our waltz splashes through the dense black of night
Your hand melts in mine
Go back to the surface, rip through the mud
Before the wrinkled satin dress tears
Into the sun’s fiery grasp we dance
Color is nothing
Color is everything
The dark shatters
Violet shines through
The mirror shatters
Shards of violet
Pulsing in violet
Color is violet
Each pump of my heart resounds
A deafening violet
Violet is everything
The final chilled drop falls
Our dance sinks into the earth
Our eyes have faded away
A violet rainbow fills the sky
Scraping against the hallowed night
The colors bleed away
Colors always bleed away

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


One day for spite
We each had to write
A poem a peer would read,
The teacher grinned
Like we had all sinned
And set our thoughts to bleed.
Our pens delayed
But soon we obeyed
And splashed our pages red,
By symbol’s face
We wrote such a pace
We should all have been dead.

Now I, a child
So meek and mild
I never spoke a word,
Wrote with such strength
At such a length
I knew I must be heard.
My paper beamed
My word-voice screamed
With soul I never told,
A dazzling show
Of joy and woe
A masterpiece, behold!

And then it was time
By rhythm and rhyme
To read each other’s works,
I felt like a king
Since my poem would bring
Sound to my voice where it lurks.
The papers were passed
My heart beat too fast
Nervous to take to the stage,
So now here’s my crown
I’m left looking down
At the words that plague my own page.

Monday, June 1, 2009

This post is about...screw it, I'm tired

So pretty much every day in Journalism I spend the whole class on The Onion. Its awesome. That's pretty much all you need to know. That's also pretty much all I'm going to write for now. Oh wait, here's my horoscope:

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18
Don't let negativity win out today, even though it probably will, because you're a worthless human being who most likely doesn't deserve to be happy!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Social Anxiety! Oh joy!

Okay, so I've had this crazy mash-up of good and bad fortune happening all at once and in congruence with each other over the past couple days. I'd rather not explain the whole thing, since its really complicated. Imagine Needful Things by Stephen King, and that could give you an idea of how complicated the combination of events was. Luckily, all the fortunes added together had a positive sum. Hurray positive sums!

Anyway, our final project in Psychology involves researching some sort of psychological issue and presenting it to the class. The teacher assigned me Social Anxiety. Not as exciting as some of the others, but she either chose it for a reason or there was some sort of huge coincidence - that's right, after researching it for hours, I discovered that I have Social Anxiety. It hasn't been diagnosed or anything, but it seems pretty obvious to me (and like everyone else). So...yeah, it explains a lot. Look up more info here (if you want):

By the way, Thursday the 28th was my gerbil's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALISBURY! I think it was 7 people who wished him the same, but its not like I was counting or anything...

Yeah, that's it for today.

From my notebook

These are a couple of rhymes I jotted down during History class. At the time I knew what I was doing with them, but looking at them later I'm not too sure. I wish I wasn't so easily distracted, then my stuff would be more interesting...

Double Edge Words

Your crisp twisted truths tear and rip through my stomach
Like swallowing thorns just to get some cheap chuckles
You know I'd cry stop in a million flavors
But fish hooks are lodging themselves in my knuckles

You sleep in the daylight and conjure these poisons
They plague and devour our garden's sweet song
The hummingbirds swim in cold puddles of acid
And hope that the rust in their throat isn't strong

A changeling made of soup and silver
Built too high to touch the earth
Your bloody eyes change virtues to lies
And curse the values of birth