Wednesday, May 27, 2009


A traveler to the star-splattered sky
Breaking backs along the way
Careful not to trip the alarm
Digging deeper in the well
Every step closer makes the road longer
Fountain stopped flowing
Gaining by losing
Hungry on a full stomach
Ivory keys on a self-playing piano
Jump forth to give an answer: another question
Killing the cat over and over
Laughing at the insanity crowded around
Manic to reach the destination
Never closer than when started
Open fields close
Pacing the university halls
Questions plague and pressure
Running from the build-up
Sky’s limit is a drop of rain in the ocean
Truth will elude
Universe hides it
Varying its wavelengths
Winter’s reflection shimmers
X’s value
Yonder lies the intellectual’s downfall
Z, the end, unattainable.

The same can't be said for History...

Yeah, we bombed our History presentation today. Our group had to do a skit in which we change something that happened between World War 2 and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Our subject was the failure of the American atomic bomb to detonate. An interesting topic, but due to a failure to cooperate, we ended up doing improv. It was the worst presentation in the history of my school career, to put it lightly. There was only one presentation that could potentially be worse, one in 9th grade involving owls and permanent trauma. I don't want to talk about it.

(so true)

Its been a pretty sucky day overall...I could complain about it, but I'm trying to stay positive in spite of this crushing depression (it fluxuates day to day; today it has rendered me catatonic). So looking on the bright side, it rained today! Some people may see it as a hindrance or inconvenience, but personally I love rain. Its just one of the most beautiful weather situations in my opinion. Take it how you will.

Ah well, back to work.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

English presentation...went well? Hurray!

Well I figured my English presentation would go terribly. Much to my surprise (and pleasure), it seemed like everyone in class really got into my adventure in lateral thinking...thing. Considering my past presentations in English, I was the luckiest person alive. No angry mobs or anything! Although my presentation didn't go exactly as planned, it was awesome.

Basically the presentation was a competition to see who could answer the most puzzles. At the beginning, I said "The winner will get a Charmander" and I pulled out a 4' stuffed Charmander. Part of the trick was that it involved lateral thinking - I was actually going to give away a small Charmander figurine, about an inch or so tall. I never actually said I would give out the giant Charmander, so it would be fine...until an angry mob formed and chased me out of the county. However, the bell rang before it came to that, so no angry mob!

The class did 4 of my 32 puzzles (much smaller than I thought) but they really got enthusiastic over them. Well, at least it seemed that way. And since Sean is still working on them in Journalism, I figure at least someone found it interesting. Hopefully I get a grade reflecting not my oral performance but the students' interest...

I guess that's it for now.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunset is at hand

Now we stand with coarse waves lapping over our ankles
Arms outstretched, fingertips praying to scrape the horizon
You say if we reach it you’ll never let go
You’ll hold my hand and drift silently away
But I know your hands are buttered and your heart is set
I’ll be left alone, my feet molding to the coral
Watching you fade as the sun swallows itself
And I’ll wait in the dark
The clammy palms of ghosts caressing my cheeks
Vampires thirsting to trace the fearful tears down my face
Chanting in their wooden voices a history of mistakes
I listen to these twisted thorns of the future,
Cursing as my hand embraces yours.


So I have another ingrown toenail. It sucks, since I already had one on the big toe on my left foot, and I had to undergo 2 surgeries in order to keep my toe from ripping itself apart. Now my right foot is infected and the toe is slowly swelling like a ripening strawberry. Its totally gross, because every time you touch it pus and blood start squirting out and it hurts like hell.

In order to prevent gangreen and the following rotting of your toes, you need surgery to remove the segment that is growing in wrong. However, my parents don't seem to realize this very well. In order to prevent too much pain or swelling, you can soak your toes in epsom salts or just plain water. My parents firmly believe this will cure it. But its not like soaking your toes in water will prevent your toenails from growing. So my feet are getting steadily worse, but my mother is determined to avoid surgery in any way possible. Its only a matter of time before my feet end up like this:

(not my feet, just so you know)

On a lighter note, I reached Chapter 2 in Mother 3!
...ugh, I'm feeling too sick about my toes to say anythign else.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The red one with the huge mouth, its the Ultimate ChrisStenzel! I mean Chimera.

I recently started a new file on Mother 3. This news is big enough to count as an entire 4 paragraph post on its own. Really, because all I can think, breathe, eat, and pump through my veins is Mother 3 when I start a new file. Even when I don't play Mother 3, I'm usually subconsciously Mother 3-ing continuously in everyday life. Like I'll play Mother 3 songs in my head during class and tap out the beats with my pencil, or institute Mother 3 characters into books when they get boring, or even use Mother 3 quotes as responses:
"Can you help me with my math homework?"
"I'm sorry, Mike, but that's called sexual harassment these days."
"But my name is Andrew..."
Anyway, in my opinion Mother 3 is the best video game ever made. I'm just going to stop here, I'm too busy playing Mother 3 to post about Mother 3 on this blog.

By the way, Mother 3 appears 11 times in this post. Its an important fact to know.