Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The same can't be said for History...

Yeah, we bombed our History presentation today. Our group had to do a skit in which we change something that happened between World War 2 and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Our subject was the failure of the American atomic bomb to detonate. An interesting topic, but due to a failure to cooperate, we ended up doing improv. It was the worst presentation in the history of my school career, to put it lightly. There was only one presentation that could potentially be worse, one in 9th grade involving owls and permanent trauma. I don't want to talk about it.

(so true)

Its been a pretty sucky day overall...I could complain about it, but I'm trying to stay positive in spite of this crushing depression (it fluxuates day to day; today it has rendered me catatonic). So looking on the bright side, it rained today! Some people may see it as a hindrance or inconvenience, but personally I love rain. Its just one of the most beautiful weather situations in my opinion. Take it how you will.

Ah well, back to work.

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