Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lalala, I graduate tomorrow! ...WHAT?!?

So, I haven't updated in a while. Yeah...I have to try and get back on track, too much has happened and slipped from my mind to never touch the pages of this brilliant blog. So I'll just spit out some random stuff to try and cover 2 weeks:

I graduate high school tomorrow. OH MY GOD.
I leave for camp on Sunday and will be gone all summer. OH MY GOD.
I'm trying to get an apartment and a job for college in the fall. OH MY GOD.
I actually started to enjoy my life in the last couple weeks. OH MY GOD.
I cleaned my room. Its actually clean this time. OH MY GOD.

Now that I have the "OH MY GOD" things out of the way, here are some more random tidbits:

1) The "OH MY GOD" things kinda correlate to finger lengths, don't you think?
2) I've actually done some sort of social activity for the past 2 weekends. Its a new record!
3) I discovered Touhou, a crazy video game series. Its a scrolling shooter (like Space Invaders) only more insane. I like it for the characters and music, but the enemy fire is amazing. I can't describe it in words. Here are some screenshots, conveniently placed in one image file:

Plus, the characters, relationships, and plot are all highly developed. Its a series worth looking into, in my opinion. And I usually end up forcing other people to look at it by constantly talking about it or spamming their facebook profiles ;^_^ I'm so annoying...
4) I'm actually attempting to make friends recently, instead of hiding in the background.
...its not working too well. And I don't handle rejection well, either. So recently I've had severe self-esteem issues, to the point where I lock myself in the closet for hours and beg my stuffed animal overlords to make people like me. The problem is that I can't tell if people like me or not, so I automatically assume the worst. If I can just get over that...shoot, I'm being all depressing again. I have to stop that =/
5) I almost beat Brawl! Only 10 stickers left...
6) I suddenly developed a bizarre love for the accordion. I can't get enough of it. Seriously, like anything with an accordion in it is golden.
7) I kinda lost track of what I was doing, so I don't have any other tidbits. I figured I'd round off at 7 instead of 6 though, I like 7 more than 6.
8) I like 8 more than 7 though, so this is the real last one.

Alright, enough of my nonsense. I'm leaving for camp all summer (as previously stated), so you won't hear from me much. I'll be home on weekends and might post then, and camp might have wifi this year! Woohoo! But yeah, umm, THE END

*This post is dedicated to the one who got me back on the blogging track. You know who you are. Thank you, AL. (Al? XD) (Sorry, Ashley)

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