Saturday, May 9, 2009

One-Man Movie Marathon

Once again I found myself stuck home alone on a Saturday with nothing to do. In the spirit of adventure, I broke out the movie bin and picked up a few at random. So my Saturday schedule went sort of like this:

Woke up
Ate breakfast
Watched Lilo & Stitch
Watched Castle in the Sky
Ate lunch
Watched Edward Scissorhands
Watched The Fox and the Hound
Ate dinner
Haunt the internet until now

I must admit, though 3 of them were geared towards children, it was a pretty awesome selection of films. You can't go wrong with Hayao Miyazaki, and the Disney sandwich was a nice touch. Edward Scissorhands is one of my all-time favorite movies as well. Last year I watched it every day for a month beacause it was so good...and I would have kept going, but my parents weren't too happy that I was "passing up homework for entertainment" or some junk like that. I think they were just jealous that I could recite every line by heart.

Although one-man movie marathons usually turn out pretty well in my case, it would be nice to actually hang out with friends on weekends once in a while. Not that I'm whining or anything, since I did get to hang with friends yesterday. We played Super Smash Bros. Brawl for about 3 hours. Like we always do. Maybe we need a new group activity, like Mario Kart, or maybe Mario Party. What a humorous comment that was.

Alright, that's it, I guess.

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