Saturday, March 19, 2011

Looking back...

So I visited this blog for the first time in like 2 years, and man, was it a read. Lots of smiles and tears (Earthbound reference FTW!), but it certainly was a blow to see how much I've changed, yet how I'm still very much the same. I don't write anymore, but looking back at some of the things I've written, there's a sense of disconnect. I mean, I can't connect them to myself; its like a different person wrote them. And...I actually like some of it! (although I still think some of it is garbage)

But yeah, I might start writing again, although I'm pretty sure I can't be as funny as I once was (stuffed animal overlords, pfft). That sort of nonsense was drained out of me by years of eating unprocessed cheeses. Not sure how I feel about the emotional content I put in though...meh, guess I'll leave the old stuff there out of laziness for searching for the delete button. If anything I've grown more cynical about the state of humanity, if that's possible, but at the same time I've grown kinder towards individuals and squirrels. I won't go into my personal views on these subjects or I may be detained.

Umm...that's it, I guess. Why did I even write this? LAY OFF ME, I'M STARVING